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Long tube-a

Long tube-a

SKU: 284215376135191
Excluding Sales Tax |

Modeling design features

The design concept is to play outdoors in childhood, sit in the large concrete circular pipe in the park, and play and chat leisure time as the design concept. Convert this water pipe shape into indoor furniture, change the way of riding and use it as a space with a casual attitude and posture In the transitional seating area, and the fabric texture of artificial saddle leather, plus the belt and metal buckle decoration , To create a special fashion beauty, the metal double-sided foot seat gives the cylinder a stable support, the back has a circular support and a horizontally rectangular backrest

Color scheme

Using artificial saddle soft leather as the fabric, the overall covering presents a high-level and exquisite texture, and the cylinders on both sides are finished with delicate leather piping. function Similar to the concrete circular ducts in outdoor parks, the fun of sitting freely changes the inertia of the space ride

  • 產品訊息


    H:70cm  W:43cm L:155cm 



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